Freelancing: home alone

This is a follow-up to Freelancing: the first ten years.

Working (largely) alone

A freelance is like a reasonably intelligent dog that requires food, exercise, mental stimulation and some sense of having a part to play in the game of life. How much of each of those things, and what form they come in, is a matter of individual temperament. Some can be left alone in the house all day; others start chewing the table legs and peeing on the floor after an hour. Continue reading

Freelancing: the first ten years

When I told colleagues in 2014 that I was quitting my job to become a freelance writer/editor most wished me well, many told me I was brave and quite a few asked me questions. The most popular were:

Can you make a living?

Can you bear the solitude?

These still interest people most, along with the supposed bravery, which often translates as Can you stand the anxiety? Continue reading